Frequently Asked Questions
How does purchasing a property from your site work?
We are in the process of setting up convenient credit card processing. For the moment, we accept check, ACH, or wire transfers.
Are you a real estate agent?
No. We are not trying to make commissions off of other’s property. We own every property we sell. We buy properties we would be happy owning ourselves for long-term investment. When you buy from us, you are buying our property at a fraction of what you would pay if a Realtor got involved.
Can you meet me at the property to show it to me?
Since we are located in Florida and buy and sell land all over the country, we cannot show property. But, since it is not a house that needs to be unlocked, you are welcome to visit any of our properties at any time. All of our listings have parcel maps and GPS coordinates that make them easy to visit. If you think you may need help in locating a property, please contact us and we’ll make sure you are able to find it via free phone apps and more.
Are their any hidden fees when buying land from you?
No. We cover all expenses including closing and recording costs.
Why are your properties so cheap?
It begins with us buying cheap. We buy properties at auction and in tax and estate sales. You’ll find investment properties on this site are discounted 20% off market value. We want repeat buyers who can make money re-selling the property themselves if they choose.
How do I know if this is a safe way to purchase property?
Talk to us. It’s as safe as any other real estate transaction. We’ll provide our title search and present you with a warranty deed. For more expensive properties (over $10,000), we’ll help arrange title insurance should you want it. To date, we’ve NEVER had an unsatisfied client.